
This translation project arose out of our house community in Virginia called Dirt Church. We wanted to learn what the Bible actually had to say to us. And while we were digging around in the original Greek to help our discussions of the Gospels, we found that the meatiest terms were so simplistically rendered in the available English translations, that their original nuance and depth was practically invisible. The radical inclusivity, dynamic power and depth of these terms spoke directly to the real hope and pain that so many of us are grappling with every day. 

My name is Andrew Breitenberg and I believe that God is relational love. Because of this, I want to meet you and anyone else who resonates with the approach I'm taking to this new Bible. I dream about it being a communal effort, relationally-sourced, served by Postchristians in koinōnia.*

I currently live between Washington DC and Virginia Beach, VA. For the last ten years or so I've lived in Cape Town and Amsterdam, doing graphic design, community development projects, public street art collaborations, and independent publishing projects. Today you'll find me either translating the Bible or reading The Philokalia, pencil in hand.


koinōnia – community, co-participation, mutual belonging, deeply relational fellowship in the Spirit, authentic communion and sharing in common, hospitality, and "the whole is greater than the sum of its individual parts" all wrapped up in a single word (traditionally translated as "fellowship").

